Here you will find the latest Friends news along with items that we hope may be of interest. For all our previous Friends news and archives right back to 2012, please follow the link below:
2023-2024 - A lack of news

Hello Friends, we hope your are all keeping well.
Many of you have asked us recently as to why there has been a complete lack of news over the past twenty-months. Well, it has been a busy couple of years since January 2023 when we last posted any news here, and you must bear in mind that we are a small, entirely voluntary organisation and as such, we have had to juggle our working lives and our families around the Friends. Things get in the way that have to take priority, but fear not, we will soon be back in the groove once again and shortly things will start to happen once again.
There has been much going on in the Suffolk Regiment world (though sadly not on here!). However, our magazines have continued to be produced and now our 46th publication is currently at the printers. As 2024 ebbs away, we will start once more with posting more regular news. There will not be much in the run up to Christmas, but over the next few weeks we will be working in the background to revamp the website for a relaunch in the New Year. We will still keep our 'News Archives' on the site, along with 'Operation Legacy' - as this is proving a major resource for historians and researchers, but we will streamline other older, more reducndant parts of the site, that are now seldom visited.
Our eventual aim is to start putting some of our older magazines online so you can see what you get by being a member (and not just a gazer!). That will take time but the Friends will continue to battle to ensure that the Suffolk Regiment is not forgotten and hopefully a revamp of our webite will help swell our numbers. We always need new members and now as our veteran members gently leave us, it is ever more important that we get more friends and relatives to join us and of course, people like you - if you've got as deep as this into our website, then clearly you must be interested in the history of the Suffolk Regiment!!!!!
We are the only dedicated organisation recording the history of the Suffolk Regiment and to do that, we do need your support, so, as the old addage says, 'stick with us' and 'watch this space' because it'll all get interesting soon!
(Posted: 12/11/2024)
Many of you have asked us recently as to why there has been a complete lack of news over the past twenty-months. Well, it has been a busy couple of years since January 2023 when we last posted any news here, and you must bear in mind that we are a small, entirely voluntary organisation and as such, we have had to juggle our working lives and our families around the Friends. Things get in the way that have to take priority, but fear not, we will soon be back in the groove once again and shortly things will start to happen once again.
There has been much going on in the Suffolk Regiment world (though sadly not on here!). However, our magazines have continued to be produced and now our 46th publication is currently at the printers. As 2024 ebbs away, we will start once more with posting more regular news. There will not be much in the run up to Christmas, but over the next few weeks we will be working in the background to revamp the website for a relaunch in the New Year. We will still keep our 'News Archives' on the site, along with 'Operation Legacy' - as this is proving a major resource for historians and researchers, but we will streamline other older, more reducndant parts of the site, that are now seldom visited.
Our eventual aim is to start putting some of our older magazines online so you can see what you get by being a member (and not just a gazer!). That will take time but the Friends will continue to battle to ensure that the Suffolk Regiment is not forgotten and hopefully a revamp of our webite will help swell our numbers. We always need new members and now as our veteran members gently leave us, it is ever more important that we get more friends and relatives to join us and of course, people like you - if you've got as deep as this into our website, then clearly you must be interested in the history of the Suffolk Regiment!!!!!
We are the only dedicated organisation recording the history of the Suffolk Regiment and to do that, we do need your support, so, as the old addage says, 'stick with us' and 'watch this space' because it'll all get interesting soon!
(Posted: 12/11/2024)